Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Book was Published Today!

Finally!  My book is officially for sale on both  my private store and on Amazon.

Now it's time to start working on the next one!

Read more about it on the [Still Just] Four Liverpool Lads blog
or visit my store.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My book is coming out soon!

Wonderful news!  My first book ready to be published and should be available for sale in just a couple of days.  I can't wait!

Find out more about the book by visiting one of the links below:
[Still Just] Four Liverpool Lads blog 
[Still Just] Four Liverpool Lads Facebook page

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Norwegian Beatles
Had a great Labor Day weekend at Abbey Road on the River at National Harbor.  Last year I attended for just one day (it's a 5 day event), made 5 minute video about it, entered that video in a contest and won!  My prize was two nights at the resort where it is held and two 5 day tickets for me and a friend for this year.  So my cousin Kelly and attended this year from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon and boy did we have fun. 

I made sure I saw the bands I discovered last year (Apple Core Band and The English Channel), but together Kelly and I discovered a more must-see bands from around the world including Old Brown Shoe (Netherlands), The Norwegian Beatles (obvious where they are from), Mario and James DaSilva (originally from Brazil), and Jukebox (from Puerto Rico).

Since returning I have collected a bunch of new FaceBook friends from the event including members of some of the bands but the best part is that my cousin is now a true Beatles fan and is excited at the thought of returning to the event next year. 

The only sour note was that the organizer who awarded me my prize was not very nice to me when I contacted him about the details about my hotel reservation.  In fact, he never did call or email to tell me I had a reservation.  I had to contact the hotel to find out.  The bands all seem to like him, but the emails I got from him were jibberish and insulting.  I can't understand why.  He acted like I was a pest, but he could have easily emailed me to tell me how the process would work and even told me to contact the hotel.  I am not a mind reader.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Earthquakes and Hurricanes

While I was wandering around London in the rain on Tuesday, they were having an earthquake back at home in Virginia.  Although we've had small ones in the past that no one ever felt, this one was big for us - 5.8 on the Richter Scale.  People not only felt it but evacuated buildings.  At my work, most people didn't know what was happening, but they ran out in fear.

By the time I got home on Wednesday, all was normal again.  There were 4 aftershocks on Thursday, but I felt nothing at all. 

Now it is Friday and no one is taking about the earthquake any more because now hurricane Irene is bearing down on us!  She is expected to hit our area on Sunday morning at 2am.  It looks like we will be spared the worst.  The eye will pass closer to the east of Washington DC.  We will be on the "tamer" side of the storm and will have high winds and lots of rain but hopefully no real damage.

We are ready just in case with flashlights, spare batteries, bottles of water and foods that don't need cooking.  Cell phones are charged and the deck furniture is secured. 

We've got movies and recorded shows to watch and a stack of books to read.  Hopefully we won't lose power and have to read by candlelight! Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Yes, Coppweb looks different!

I decided to totally revamp my website just before vacation and the easiest solution was to convert it to a blog.  Today I figured out how to publish it on my existing domain, so voila, what you see here today is my new website in blog format.

Let me know if you find any broken links.  I think everything is working and if you go to the My Travels tab, you will find a link to the photos from my vacation.

Vacation is over :(

Had a lovely vacation but it was over way too soon.  The first week I lived in a wonderful flat in the heart of London.  I loved every minute of my 6 days there and did so much including visiting Buckingham Palace and watching a live television show, going to a West End Theater show and visiting with friends.

After that I met up with Graham on the Isle of Wight and we spent 4 days visiting family on the island.  While here I visited the Octopus's Garden Cafe with my niece Alice and she and I also saw the last Harry Potter movie together.

On Friday, we traveled back to the mainland with Graham's parents.  They knew there was a surprise, but didn't know what to expect.  We took them to a huge renovated barn in the New Forest where the entire family was staying until Monday.  On the Saturday night there was a big family, fancy-dress party with a 40's/50's theme.  Joan and David (Graham's parents) were completely surprised! 

Finally on Monday Graham and I traveled back to London for 2 more nights before flying home.  It rained the second day, but I didn't let that stop me and it was so hard to leave at the end of the two days.  I did miss my flat as well.  The hotel room was miniscule and not nearly as fun to stay in.

Now tomorrow it is back to work.  I need to start planning for my next visit. :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Grandpa turned 99 last week

My grandfather on my dad's side of the family celebrated his 99th birthday last week.  He lives in Florida, so I wasn't able to be there, but Dad went.  As you can see from the photo, he seemed to enjoy his big day.